BY jess

Seller Fulfilled Prime is Back

Sell your products with the Prime badge directly from our warehouse

Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) is a program offered by Amazon that allows third-party sellers to fulfill and ship their products directly to customers while still offering the benefits of Amazon Prime. After many years of hiatus, Amazon is now offering this service again, and Shipping Pilot is already approved for use! In this program, sellers who meet specific criteria can display the Prime badge on their product listings, indicating to customers that their items are eligible for Prime benefits such as fast and free shipping.

Enjoy these essential benefits of Seller Fulfilled Prime

Prime Badge: By participating in SFP, sellers can display the Prime badge on their product listings, which helps them gain visibility and credibility with Amazon Prime members. The Prime badge is a recognized symbol of fast and reliable shipping.

Prime Eligibility: Sellers in the SFP program can offer their products with Prime benefits, including free two-day or one-day shipping for Prime members. This can attract more customers and increase sales potential.

Control over Fulfillment: Unlike Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), where Amazon handles the warehousing, packaging, and shipping of products, SFP allows sellers to maintain control over the fulfillment process. Sellers can use their own fulfillment centers or third-party logistics providers to ship orders.

Cost Savings: SFP can potentially lead to cost savings for sellers since they don’t have to pay the storage and fulfillment fees associated with FBA. However, it’s important to note that SFP requires sellers to invest in their own logistics infrastructure, which may incur additional costs.

Inventory Management: SFP gives sellers more control over their inventory and real-time visibility into their stock levels. This control can help sellers manage their inventory more efficiently and reduce the risk of stockouts or overselling.

Increased Seller Flexibility: SFP allows sellers to customize their shipping processes and delivery options according to their business needs. This flexibility can be particularly beneficial for sellers with specific shipping requirements or selling large or heavy items that may not be feasible for FBA.

It’s worth noting that participating in Seller Fulfilled Prime requires sellers to meet specific performance metrics, maintain high standards of customer service, and comply with Amazon’s policies and guidelines. Additionally, the eligibility criteria for SFP may vary by country, so it’s important for sellers to review Amazon’s guidelines and requirements for their specific marketplace.

Here’s a general overview of the steps involved:

  1. Eligibility Check: Ensure that you meet the basic requirements to participate in SFP. These requirements may include having a Professional Selling account, demonstrating a history of fulfilling orders on time, maintaining a valid tracking rate, and meeting performance metrics.
  2. Performance Metrics: Review your seller account’s performance metrics, such as order defect rate, late shipment rate, and pre-fulfillment cancel rate. Amazon sets specific performance standards that you must meet to be eligible for SFP. Make sure your metrics align with these standards.
  3. Fulfillment Capability: Evaluate your fulfillment capabilities to ensure you consistently meet Amazon’s fast and reliable shipping requirements. You must demonstrate that you can always deliver orders on time and provide tracking information to customers.
  4. Application Submission: Once you have assessed your eligibility and fulfillment capabilities, you can submit an application for SFP. Log in to your Seller Central account on Amazon, navigate to the “Performance” tab, and select “Seller Fulfilled Prime” to begin the application process.
  5. Application Review: Amazon will review your application, taking into account various factors such as your performance metrics, fulfillment capabilities, and adherence to Amazon’s policies. This review process may take some time, and Amazon may contact you for additional information or clarification if needed.
  6. Trial Period: If your application is approved, you may be placed in a trial period during which you’ll need to fulfill a certain number of orders successfully while meeting the SFP requirements. The trial period allows Amazon to assess your ability to consistently deliver a high level of service.
  7. Approval and Activation: Upon successfully completing the trial period, Amazon will evaluate your performance and decide whether to grant you full access to the Seller Fulfilled Prime program. If approved, you’ll receive confirmation, and the Prime badge will be displayed on your eligible product listings.

It’s important to note that the application process and specific requirements may vary by country and region. Therefore, it’s recommended to refer to the official Amazon Seller Central resources and guidelines specific to your marketplace to ensure you have the most up-to-date information for applying to Seller Fulfilled Prime.

Ready to start?

Shipping Pilot is already approved to fulfill seller-fulfilled prime orders! Fill out our contact form or contact your account manager directly to discuss the next steps to take advantage of this incredible business opportunity.

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